I originally started this blog for another computer class last semester. Our main projects, which included making videos and podcasts, were to be posted on here. With my new assignment for ENG320, I decided to keep this blog, mainly because I can't remember how to set everything up like I did before, and continue in a completely different direction. Last year I lived with three seniors, who are now all graduated, and we used to go out to dinner about once a week to all new places. Because I don't see my old roomies as much, we try to plan dinner once a week to catch up on what's going on in each others lives. SO... since my old roommate Sarah should be a food critic, or have her own cooking show on the food network, I've decided to call this blog, "Dinner For Two," which will be focussed around dining out in West Chester, and sometimes other places with her! My hope is to share our dining experience with you, provide you with some new, or already known but really good, places of where to eat, suggestions on what's good and how the atmosphere is. So if you enjoy going out to eat, and finding new places... maybe this blog will be of some assistance!